"I was excited to learn that the ASL Essentials workshop was offered in Fort Wayne, Our instructor was knowledgeable and informative, all while keeping the session light and fun. Knowing others are using ASL to teach and interact with our children is heart warming and I appreciate the time and effort Heather Palmer puts into making sure this opportunity is available." - Parent and Behavior Consultant who attended ASL Essentials Using Songs and Signs for Everyday Use.
"As a participant I felt that Heather presented the information in an order and in a way that helped me to remember. I have used some of the signs we learned to teach my one year old daughter how to communicate and we are impressed at how well she communicates now. She signs "eat", "more", "all done", "music" and we are currently working on "please". She uses all signs correctly and is happy when she feels that she is understood. As she becomes more confident in speaking, she starts to enunciate sounds along with the signs. ASL will be a second language for our children." - Parent and Music Therapist who attended ASL Essentials Songs and Signs for Everyday Use.
HoursM-F 8:30-6
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